DJ B.BARNES released "Remember The Time" in honor of the King of Pop's Birthday on Sunday. I was able to get an exclusive listen and I love it! I am a big MJ fan so I was very happy to see a tribute in the way of music and most of all - for FREE.....
I was also able to grab DJ B.BARNES for a quick convo about the newest addition to the Fleet DJ Aficionado's vault of greats.....Check out what DJ B.BARNES had to say about this special Mixtape......
@MissNVNC: What made you decide to create this Mix?
@BBARNEStheDJ: It was one that I had been meaning to do. I did a similar impromptu mix at the radio station when I was at WXDU Durham and also for a Facebook Mid-day Mix that turned out well and so I kinda combined the idea....
@MissNVNC: How many tracks are on the mixtape?
@MissNVNC: Was it difficult to pick the songs that you wanted to use?
@BBARNEStheDJ: Umm nah....acutally I take that back it was difficult because when you have so many MJ favorites it gets difficult to fit all that on an 80 minute CD.....
@MissNVNC: What is your best MJ memory?
@BBARNEStheDJ: Hmm...My best MJ memory would have to be "Billie Jean" performance on Motown 25 when he did the MOONWALK ( Click here to see DJ B.BARNES' favorite MJ moment!! ) whole family happened to be home and we watched it togeher....I will always remember that....I wanted to be just like him......greatness......
@MissNVNC: Do you remember the day that you heard the news about Michael's death?
@BBARNEStheDJ: Ahhh yea I actually do....I was taking a nap after work. My alarm went off it was the sound of the radio instead of a buzzer. Michael Jackson was playing...I thought nothing of it and just laid there and listened...they were playing songs back to back so I had a bad feeling that something happened. Since I fell asleep with my laptop on the bed.....not uncommon for me....I glanced at the screen and noticed that someone had posted MJ as their profile pic. I immediately went to yahoo, searched, and saw the news....I remember seeing pictures and on one it was a caption...I can't remember it exactly, but it said something about the "King of Pop" dying which had the internet goin crazy...
@MissNVNC: Ok...Chris Brown on the 2010 BET Awards….Real or Fake?
@BBARNEStheDJ: Definitely real....I gotta give it to my cant fake the "nose snot" (laughs)....he had all the ugly faces and everything. The performance was CRAZY!!....whoever assisted him in putting the show together really knew what they were doing. It was definitely a show that did many things...of course everyone wanted to see Chris Brown perform as MJ but also when he performed "Man in the Mirror" the words meant a lot to him on a personal level.
@MissNVNC: All time favorite Michael Jackson hit?
@BBARNEStheDJ: Oh my God yo....its impossible.....cuz Mike has a song for every possible mood or emotion that you could possibly have from your lowest of lows to your highest of is impossible to have just one favorite MJ hit...well I don't anyway......
@MissNVNC: What do you think it was like to be Michael Jackson?
@BBARNEStheDJ: Oh my God I couldn't imagine....I wouldn't want to be Michael...he could literally say that he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and really mean's true...he is that one figure/icon in the human race that everyone knows....from when he was "little Michael" and through all of his transitions...Michael was Michael and no one else could/will be that.....
@MissNVNC: What do you hope that people feel when they hear this Mix?
@BBARNEStheDJ: I hope they feel what I felt...I enjoyed making it. Like I said earlier, it is impossible to showcase his entire catalog, but hopefully I captured peoples' favorites.....
So there it is folks...straight from the DJ's mouth....we will be checking in with DJ B.BARNES again soon for more from the "Fleet DJ Aficionado" in the future so stay tuned....or
Let me know what you think of the mix and/or feel free to share your answers to any of the questions!!
FREE DOWNLOAD---> DJ B.BARNES presents "Remember The Time" A Michael Jackson Tribute MixTape!
Special Shout Out and "Thanks" to DJ B.BARNES for letting me pick his brain!!! #salutethedj
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